Update Method (Folder Object) 

The Update method saves the folder in the MAPI system.


objFolder.Update( [makePermanent, refreshObject] )



Required. The Folder object.


Optional. Boolean. TRUE indicates that the property cache is flushed and all changes are committed in the underlying message store. FALSE indicates that the property cache is flushed and not committed to the message store. The default value is TRUE.


Optional. Boolean. TRUE indicates that the property cache is reloaded from the values in the underlying message store. FALSE indicates that the property cache is not reloaded. The default value is FALSE.



Changes to Folder objects are not permanently saved in the MAPI system until you call the Update method with the makePermanent parameter set to TRUE.

For improved performance, the OLE Messaging Library caches property changes in private storage and updates either the object or the underlying message store only when you explicitly request such an update. For efficiency, you should make only one call to Update with its makePermanent parameter set to TRUE.

The makePermanent and refreshObject parameters combine to cause the following changes:


refreshObject = TRUE

refreshObject = FALSE

makePermanent = TRUE

Commit all changes, flush the cache, and reload the cache from the message store.

Commit all changes and flush the cache.

makePermanent = FALSE

Flush the cache and reload the cache from the message store.

Flush the cache.


Call Update(FALSE, TRUE) to flush the cache and then reload the values from the message store.

See Also

Folders Collection1TAZ6M